What we do

Whilst the majority of our funding comes from commissioned contracts, we do also provide support to people on direct payments.
Aurora Nexus provides a number of support services:
Registered care
Supported living
Employment support
Housing management: we also work with housing associations including London & Quadrant, Hyde and Sanctuary Housing to provide a high standard of accommodation and housing support for the people we support.
Community Day Centre support
If you would like further information on any of the services that we provide, please email: enquiries@aurora-nexus.org
Supported Living Services
We operate a number of supported living services.
The main feature of Supported Living is that the housing and support arrangements are separate. This means that you will have a tenancy agreement with a Registered Housing Landlord, and Aurora Nexus will provide the day-to-day support.
Supported living services offer people the opportunities to live as independently as possible in the community. They combine the advantages of good quality accommodation where people can exercise tenancy rights and responsibilities together with flexible person-centred support to address their needs and aspirations.
All our supported living services aim to:
Maintain and positively promote personal independence.
Set clear goals for each person to be achieved over time.
Flexibly respond to both increases and decreases in need.
Safeguard privacy and safety.
Offer genuine choice and control.
Meet social, cultural and individual needs.
The service is aimed at adults with learning disabilities or Autism either living in their own homes or living with families or a carer.
This service can be purchased through the council or by an individual and their family.
Community Outreach Services
The service is aimed at adults with learning disabilities or Autism either living in their own homes or living with families or carer.
The outreach service provides tailored support to adults with learning disabilities, which will enable them to live independently in the community in their own homes, or to be supported in the family home.
This support will be practical and personalised. It will focus on day-to-day living, assisting people to access a range of activities including, but not limited to:
Access employment, education or training.
Access social and leisure activities.
Increase people’s ability to maintain their tenancy.
Undertake focused skill learning.
Establish links to appropriate community based.
Services and groups.
Pursue personal interests and hobbies.
Maintain healthy lifestyles.
Maintain friendships and relationships.
Personal care including medication.
Support with managing money and budgeting.
Stay safe
Outreach support is charged at an hourly rate (sometimes this can be reduced where two or more people want to do something together)
We strive to ensure that each person is supported by the same support worker or a small team where appropriate
This service can be purchased through the council or by an individual and their family.
Our CQC Ratings
Aurora Nexus is a registered provider with the Care Quality Commission (CQC).
Under the name Lewisham Nexus Service, Aurora Nexus has four services registered with the CQC which are rated either Outstanding or Good.
Find our CQC rating below and more details about our services on the CQC website HERE.